Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lake Powell and Klingon's.....

So this last weekend for memorial we went down to lake powell with bo's buddy from work and his family, and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! we HAD to stop at the gas station in the rock down in hanksville and it was pretty cool! it is literally built right into the rock!!
We got down there and it rained on friday and saturday, but it wasnt really cold just wet so we just hung out in our tents but the guy wanted to go fishing.....and fishing they went! all weekend long they were catching these things!!!

These are the people we went with. it was brandon and lindseys boat we went on the ones on the right with the cutest little boys ever!!

This is bridger on the right and britton on the ledt, he thought he was so cool cause he "caught" this fish! :) bo was so dang cute with them they were so disappointed when we had to leave. he is going to be such a good dad!

Oh and he caught some lizards......

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren it's Lindsey (Brandon's wife) I came across your blog and you are in such big trouble for posting that ugly picture of me! Anyways we need to get together for dinner again I can't believe how time flies.
